The machine I brought to sew on was my very first machine purchased in 1956, a Singer Featherweight. It is one of a few that has an open arm....It still sews like a little work horse and is perfect for travel....

This was my project ....a postage stamp quilt. A picture of the finished quilt above.. The squares are 1" finished. INTENSE sewing!!! I went as far as I could and then got out my beads and worked on an angel doll for

Decisions, decisions!!

Heather made this quilt to send overseas to the soldiers...Each one of is going to do one eventually, and they will all be different.... This one has the canadian flag in the centre of the log cabin... Very effective in the red and white.Hopefully it will bring comfort to a soldier far from home...

Fitting time.....

Karen made each of us the cutest aprons vintage style.... Aren't the the cutest!!

We sewed late into the night.... the fun just went on and on and on and...........

This was Heather's food contribution.... a Thai Salad..... It was sooooooo yummy...
I meant to get pictures of everyone cooking but I guess I got side -tracked!!!

I think Heather has inhaled some spices!!!!!

Here's Carol getting her meal ready. It was a wonderful Shepherd's Pie.......
Karen made a curry with pork medallions.... soooooo good.....
and I made a lunch of coldcuts and potato salad.... with Smore Bars for dessert!
Karen was a busy girl in the kitchen making us eggs benedict for breakfast one morning along with fresh fruit smoothies!!! Oh My!!!!

Here's Karen with the pincushion I made.

and Carol with hers.....

and Heather with hers!!!!

Here's me opening a gift.... Being the photographer, the shots of me are scarce!!! Just as well. .....Since I was sick and now on the Prednisone I look like a chipmunk storing nuts for winter!!!!!!! hee hee

One of my gifts was a tote bag .... I think Karen likes hers!!

and Heather looks happy!!! We are all tote bag crazy!!!
I think Carol liked hers too........


This is what the place looked like when we arrived...Didn't take long to change this scene....
Well that's all folks...
I hope you enjoyed your visit...... Please come again....

We've arrived and now the fun begins.....
I'll give you a peek at how it looked when we arrived..... all neat and tidy ... and then we unloaded our stuff and got going!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!!!