I was so surprised to-day to receive this "Blogging Friends Forever" award from Jeanne .I love to visit her blog and get inspired from all the lovely beading she does. Be sure to visit Jeanne at her blog and see for yourself....Thanks so much Jeanne for thinking of me...
The Rules of this award are:
1. 5 People are allowed to receive this award
2. 4 dedicated followers
3. 1 new follower to your blog who lives in another part of the world.
4. Please link back to the person who gave you this award.Here are my friends and inspirations.....
Here is the list of blogging friends I would like to pass the award on to...
1. Pat at Pat Winters Gatherings... I love visiting Pat's blog. Her work is so beautiful and inspiring, it makes me feel good just looking,
2.Coralie at Vintage Cottage Home ...Coralie shares so many interesting things, so be sure and pop by.You will surely enjoy your visit I know I do.
3.Bella at Bella McBride Designs...Bella does the most wonderful crocheted pieces. You gotta see her wrist warmers! I bought a couple of her patterns, and love wearing the ones I made.
4.Carla at With Needle & Thread...Carla's Blog if packed with lots of eye candy ... Photos, things she makes, and free patterns. It is a good time.... Be sure and stop by.
5.Waxela at Spirit Mama Art and Soul... I just met Waxela during the One World One Heart Caravan.You must pop over and see the wonderful dolls she make......Be prepared to spend some time ..
Well there you have it, My choices have been made. Unfortunately there are many many more bloggers I would love to include...and I thank each and every one of you that makes blogging such a friendly fun place to be..