When I went out on the deck I discovered it had a lot of snow, so decided i better sweep it off. As I proceeded I realized the snow was very heavy.... light bulb went on......Yep.... build a snowman... Well I hadn't done that for many years but hey, the kid in me wanted out....so I went back inside to get my mitts and coat and boots..... I left the glass door open as I knew I was going right back out.....
I was so excited!!!! yep..... gonna build a snowman..... won't DH be surprised when he gets home!!! So I looked up my favorite baseball cap.... oneBeaded with sequins.. of course!!;-)...(remember my motto is "Life's Short....Wear Sequins") a scarf, twigs, bottle caps for the features and a carrot for the nose.... Gee whiz, I was so excited I took a bite off the carrot!! Oh well so he has a stubby nose hee hee.....We're all set..... Out we go..... but hey..... listen ... you haven't heard the best part yet!!
I took off out the door and yep, you guessed it. I forgot to open the screen! Splat....the screen went flying and I did too. Is someone trying to tell me I am tooooooo old for all this excitement!?!
I was not discouraged.... if my friend Tammy can make snow angels in her PJ's surely I can pull this caper off!!
So as you can see by the picture I did succeed and not only built a snowman but made another memory to make me smile....
Oh and yes..... won't DH be glad I have another request on the "Honey-Do List"
Now I will go hang out the laundry!