We had such a good time. The meals were fabulous and the weather was perfect
There were 32 in attendance , all sewing like crazy. Some made bags, some worked on jackets and quilts... me..... well I took my English Cottages to work on AGAIN!!!!. This quilt has been a real thorn in my side and I was not enjoying the journey with it. My girlfriend talked me into doing it along with her, so I jumped in although a lot of browns was not really my cup of tea. I did put a lot of money into it so I carried on..... My GF was working on hers while her DH was sick, and when he died she just felt it had too many sad memories so she put it aside......Anyway this was the 9th time I dragged this to retreat and FINALLY I got the major borders completed. They were different than what I had done before. It was like the boston common centre and a lot of sewing....I still have to make 4 corner blocks to complete the border. Believe me You will hear me when it is all done. It will be awhile as I plan to hand quilt it.
PS if you want to comment you have to scroll down a long way..... wonder why?? I tried to fix it but no luck!!!