1. Start with a 4 1/2" x 6 1/2" piece of pellon. I use Pelletex 70.
2. Decide what image you are going to do. Sometimes a picture is helpful, or just use an idea in your head.
3.Lay out some wool rovings and begin.
4.Use a piece of netting over your work to do the punching so the wood doesn't get tangled in the needles...
5. Punch, Punch, Punch...... Oh what fun!!!

6. I use a shishkebob stick to guide the wool and keep it where you want. It is much safer than your FINGER!!!!

7. Depending on where you want what I go to my sewing machine and do some thread embellishing with rayon thread.
8. After I get the tree in place, I go back to the wool rovings and put some leaves on the tree.

9. Pretty well done now...
10. The last step will be attatching the main piece to a background. Trim to 4"x6" and satin atitch around the edge...
11. Woops I forgot to take a picture of the finished card.

This is the beginning of another card where I sketch out what I want on the pellon and go from there.

Punch, Punch, Punch...

This is the finished card .If you look closely, I have put 2 layers of green tulle on top of it all to give a green cast. The wee snowman was hand appliqued and some beads and sequins have been added. This particular card went to Mary Lou in my
"Stitching Fingers" group. We have just started exchanging FAP's there.. LOL

I wish I knew how to do a video as it would be much easier, but til I learn that, I hope this has given you some idea as to how I go about making these.