Meeting dear friends .

DH with nephews Scott and John

LtoR...Daughter Lynne, nephew Scott Robinson,"Me" trying to be funny!, DH Robbie, nephew John Robinson,SIL Doreen and her DH Al Robinson DH brother.

Daughter Lynne with cousin John

Maggie with nephew Scott

A Sentimental moment with dear friends.

Good Grief, my eyes are closed, well I guess at this age a nap creeps up!

Beautiful cake, half was chocolate and half was vanilla, It was sooooooo good.

Here is the luncheon laid out. It was a delicious assortment and enjoyed by all.

Hi everyone.
My computer has not been behaving so I am way behind in my posts.
Lots has happened ...
I had a birthday and my DH surprised me with a lovely surprise party with my family and lots of friends attending. I received so many wonderful cards and letters including one from our Prime Minister of Canada.
I can't believe I am 75 years old! The mirror says so but in my head I am still 40!!! Works for me.....VBG
I am so thankful that I am still able to do all the things I LOVE to do. I look forward to being in my studio every day creating something..Praise the Lord.
Haven't got all the pictures yet but here are a few
Hope you enjoy seeing them.