I love what I do but Christmas can be overwhelming trying to satisfy all my customers... I haven't learned the word "NO" yet!! VBG
Anyway I am done and now I can get at some house keeping and preparation for Xmas gifts and the dinner..
Here are some pictures of what I was working on.. Hope you enjoy seeing them..
This dolls title is "Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover" She hasn't told me her name yet!!
It is for a lady that has received one of my dolls every year for the last 8 years . This one is a bag lady out in the cold who has lost everything and relies on charity to keep going. I always write a story to go with each doll. (too long for here) but she got a chicken or at least so she thought.... Perhaps an egg or two would be a bonus,, however the chicken turned out to be a rooster.. hence no eggs!!!

I hope Karen likes her...

The sock monkey will be going to a wee boy. I knit the sweater and touque so he would be warm on a cold winter day!!!