I was at Grand Bend,Ontario last week. It is a beautiful beach on the southern tip of Lake Huron, one of the Great Lakes.
A friend owns this darling cottage 5 minutes away from the beach. My quilting friends(The Mellow Yellows) decided to have a quilting retreat here. Carol, Karen, Heather and myself. Heather has been ill so she could only come for lunch one day.Carol, standing on the deck has a knee problem so she stayed close to home while Karen and I did some exploring.

We wanted to pay rent but they said no thanks, just enjoy. Gosh what a treat and we wanted to do something for them so we made them a quilt!!!! OF COURSE WE DID!! We are quilters .... It is a rag quilt and very easy.
We made the blocks before we went and assembled it as our first quilting project when we got there. Looks great and the gift was a real surprise and was accepted with great appreciation.
Karen brought her dog Nicky. She loved the walks we took her each day and the water was fun for her too.

These pictures were taken mid week and it is so peaceful with few people on the beach. It is a different story on the week ends where you can hardly find a spot on the beach to sit!
I think the mermaids here were all very happy and content as I didn't find any mermaid's tears..sigh..... oh well, maybe another time.
It was really a fun time with good friends.