Spring must be on the way, the "Snowdrops" are up..... so delicate and so beautiful.

Hello dear friends... I have not posted for quite awhile but I HAVE been busy!
Here are some pictures of my activities and I hope you enjoy seeing them..

I am involved in the Yahoo group "Postcard Mail Art" These cards were made for a recent trade. The purple one is oriental called "Happiness" The green ones are for St Patrick's Day, and each

has a 4-leaf clover charm attatched.
The mystery card is one I am just working on using the wool rovings.. Not done yet... can you tel! VBG
The bag I made for a friend. We do traditional rug hooking to-gether and she needed a bag to carry her "stuff" I surprised her with this one for her birthday.

I finished the alphabet quilt I was making for a dear little girl that lives next door. I also made her a "Raggedy Ann" doll.. every little girl should have one...... It was for her first birthday... and here she is...."Grace" isn't she darling. I had the pleasure of keeping her one day and it sure brought back memories of how active they can be.... whew!

Well That's all for now... Stay tuned I have some other things tyo show once I get pictures...
Thanks for stopping by..