When I went out on the deck I discovered it had a lot of snow, so decided i better sweep it off. As I proceeded I realized the snow was very heavy.... light bulb went on......Yep.... build a snowman... Well I hadn't done that for many years but hey, the kid in me wanted out....so I went back inside to get my mitts and coat and boots..... I left the glass door open as I knew I was going right back out.....
I was so excited!!!! yep..... gonna build a snowman..... won't DH be surprised when he gets home!!! So I looked up my favorite baseball cap.... oneBeaded with sequins.. of course!!;-)...(remember my motto is "Life's Short....Wear Sequins") a scarf, twigs, bottle caps for the features and a carrot for the nose.... Gee whiz, I was so excited I took a bite off the carrot!! Oh well so he has a stubby nose hee hee.....We're all set..... Out we go..... but hey..... listen ... you haven't heard the best part yet!!
I took off out the door and yep, you guessed it. I forgot to open the screen! Splat....the screen went flying and I did too. Is someone trying to tell me I am tooooooo old for all this excitement!?!
I was not discouraged.... if my friend Tammy can make snow angels in her PJ's surely I can pull this caper off!!
So as you can see by the picture I did succeed and not only built a snowman but made another memory to make me smile....
Oh and yes..... won't DH be glad I have another request on the "Honey-Do List"
Now I will go hang out the laundry!
Love your snowman -- and one is NEVER too old to make a snowman -- or snow angel LOL.
Great snowman. Our snow is slowly getting that ugly crust on it. Not much good for building snowmen.
How fun!!!
I agree you never can be to old to build a snowman!
It is always nice to let the inner child play!
Love the snowman, but where's the picture of the beaded hat?
Maggie, now I see what has you so busy...hehehe!
Love your Snowlady! She's a beauty!
Ahhhh what fun! Gorgeous looking snowman!
He is so adorable, Maggie! Good for you! Now you can just build him a snowwoman, and they can have children!LOL!
Love the snowman, we got about 4" snow here in In. I just talk to the other day on the fairy society I didn't know you where on doll street to.
Love your snowman! Sure glad you didn't hurt yourself taking out the screen door! I find I do more stupid stuff the older I get. You are never too old to be a kid!
hugs Karen
Maggie,I love the snowman and the fact you really got out there and made him!
Hate you tangled with the screen!Put some boobs on the snowman....love that sparkly sequined cap (when you click on the pix they really show up!)Thanks for sharing your escapades!
Wow! Another snowman creator!!! How wonderful to be browsing and find your snowman. Good for you! Didn't it feel great to play in the snow again? What is it with us adults who forget about the simple fun pleasures of Winter?
I did a snow bear not that long ago..
Don't plan on growing up even if I have to grow older...
Great snowman! Now I know what to do with the snow on my 3rd-floor balcony.
Oh Mags - you're only as old as you feel - and it is very clear that you are still very young at heart (and soul!)
Love your spirit and your sense of humor. Only next time - don't forget to open the screen!
The magic snow wand you made for Tammy should give her the same pleasure of playing in the snow as you had making this snowman. The wand is gorgeous and the sentiment behind it is priceless.
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