WELL!!! Here I go again!
I do not know what I did except waste an hour publishing the post about my lace journal..
Sorry to those that took the time to come see....and there was nothing!
Anyway I was so excited to finally finish Carole Brungar's workshop on an altered lace journal. It was a wonderful experience. Carol gives a fabulous workshop taking you by the hand with every step. Thank you Carole for dragging me out of my box!!
This is the front cover of the journal
This is the back

I used 400 cold press watercolor paper and decorated each page with distress inks trying different ideas. That was fun but I should have worn gloves!!!
I left lots of blank spots so there would be room for writing thoughts etc.

I ran some fabric sheets through the printer and used some of my faves.
These images were done on the silk sheets,and I LOVE the way they just melded into the page with the colors staying true.
The lettering I did on my embroidery machine
and the lace bits I have been saving for a special occasion.
This was a letter and an envelop written in the 1800's. I put a clear envelope on the page to put them in.
I get used books they sell at our library($1.00 for a grocery bag full!!!) so the little card holders at the back are good to use also and add interest

This was a little thread painting I did of a sunrise.. I always wondered what I would do with it:)

Love butterflies

and peacocks

The last page has a cute piece I did on the embroidery machine.."Gone Fishing" seemed appropriate

The tag for the book mark has a butterfly sitting on a silk leaf with an added tassel
That's all I will take time to show.
I have lots more pages but this will give you an idea of how I did the book.
Now I feel it is too pretty to actually write in!!!
Thanks to everyone that stopped by for a peek

Oh this is awesome Maggie! I love the color of your pages and your artwork, it's gorgeous! I hate the new blogger too! What a pain in the rear! This reminds me, I need to take photos of mine and get them posted! :D
What a work of art. Maggie this is a real treasure! I think you should write in it. Write of special occasions, thoughts, verses that you like, etc. Let people know who created this gorgeous book.
I replied to you ladies and I hope you got the message.. Thank you for your encouragement
Looking forward to seeing yours Marva.. That was a great class wasn't it!
Sharon your ideas inspired me and althoughat my age I do not have too much excitement but I will try! haha...so with that OK I will write in it!:)
Maggie Oh now I understand! I had no idea that you were attempting to show your lovely new journal!
I think you have done such a brilliant job - it looks so pretty with your lovely images and inked pages. It would be so nice to view them in a larger size.
Are you able to do that?
Let me know if you need some help.
Wonderful work Maggie,
x Suzy
This looks absolutely stunning Maggie!! I had such fun in that class too and would love to make another journal one day. I pick mine up regularly and leaf through it and marvel that I actually created it. Enjoy your book!
Wow, what a pretty journal! It would be perfect for writing special things in. Sometimes I think they're too nice to actually use.
I want to make one for my daughter and fill it with memories of my childhood, where I lived, how my family lived, what my sibblings and I got up to. And I want to make another and turn it into a photo album. Lots of ideas!
Good on you for finishing it!!
It's absolutely gorgeous....such beautiful work:)
Maggie What a beautiful art. motivate the work, you do!,
beautiful and wonderful blog,
I greet you cordially :)))
Thank you ladies for all you lovely and inspiring comments..
I am already thinking about the next one...:)
Hope you all have a very creative and happy day
That's always my problem! I think my journals are too pretty to write in, so I don't use them. And in the end, I would have really liked to have used them!
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