Susan G Komen For The Cure.....
Your Old Fashioned Name Is... |
Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation.
The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents, beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful.
The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her.
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Hey Maggie, what's this all about or is it a surprise???
Hi Noel, I guess I should be more explicit!!
Remember the 2" pink squares we sent to Monica Magnus? She made it into a doll and there will be an auction running through those dates on the button.The proceeds will go to breast cancer research. The doll will be featured in the autumn issue of art doll quarterly.
I will try to update the info to make it clear.
Thanks for asking
Maggie, our button looks so good on your blog!
Quick note: it was voted a few months back that our doll be offered in a drawing where everyone was included opposed to going into auction on ebay- more people can afford to give $10 than can bid $$$$$. So on aug 1 when our doll is debuted in Art Doll Quarterly magazine we will open the doors to our drawing.
The money goes straight to our charity. The names will go into our drawing for art. Several artists are now even offering runner up prizes. Just amazing!
The offical date of the drawing is Oct 15. The names will be announced on my blog on the 17th. A month long drawing & art party on our blogs.
I won't sleep a wink in October, I just know it.
Thanks for helping to make this project a magnificent success.
Now get rest. We need you fresh.
~Monica :)
whoops! I should say the money will be collected and will be sent in to our charity on Oct. 22nd.
The names of course going into our drawing...
I guess I shouldn't think and type at the same time. LOL
Stopping in to make sure you are doing ok. Prayers and POSITIVE energy going out to you. Hugs, Monica :)
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