Hello everyone...
(Boy I look like I have been through the Mill.....)
First of all I want to send a big thank-you to you all. Your prayers , good thoughts, candles and cards have given me strength and I will forever be grateful. I am starting to feel better and thought I should update my condition. I'm afraid I have been depressed and unable to put words to-gether until now. As some of you know I was taken by ambulance to the hospital 3 weeks ago . I was frozen with pain and could barely move. My diagnosis was Polymyalgia Rheumatica with the possibility of Giant Cell Arteritis.. The first part is very painful and the second part can cause blindness in a fraction of a second!! It is caused by inflammation of the arteries leading to the eyes as I understand it. Anyway, I had to have a biopsy to clarify my condition. WELL.... that was another story! The biopsy was to take one hour. NOT! ..........for me it was 3 1/2 hours on the table while they dug around in my temple trying to find an artery. The doctor was very unhappy and was not successful in that area......(He has done thousands of these surgeries and has not had a case like this in 20 years!) so he stitched me up and went to the other side where he proceeded to dig some more, finally achieving success he pulled up the artery, took a 3 cm. piece for pathology, tied off the artery, stitched me up and that was that. I heard him saying he was afraid the freezing was going to be wearing off... I thought YES!!! me too... I was so relieved when the whole episode was over and needless to say my DH was a nervous wreck!( Now I have 2 black eyes and a bunch of stitches!!!! I look like I should belong to the Munster Family!!)
The following week was a concern as to what the results would be. Thankfully I got a negative report and I can't tell you how thankful I was. The unfortunate part of the whole thing is the fact that I am on prednisone and being a diabetic it has shot my glucose readings up into the clouds... I have not had readings that reached high teens, low twenties since they first discovered I had the problem. I saw my family doctor on Friday to discuss everything. He tells me it will take a year to get me off the Prednisone~~! Not good news as far as I am concerned..... I DON'T want chubby cheeks for all that long!!!!!! but I guess if that is what I have to do I will just have to PUT MY BIG GIRL PANTIES ON AND DEAL WITH IT ;-} The best part is the miserable drug has done it's job and I don't have an ache or a pain anywhere...... yippee!
I am so looking forward to getting back to all the things I love to do and be a part of all my groups that I love dearly. Thanks again to all you wonderful, caring gals. I love you all more than I can say.....
((((hugs)))) Maggie
Oh Maggie, I am so happy that everything is okay. I have been checking in daily looking for you. Prayers being said for your steady recovery.
God bless.
Maggie, so sorry to hear about all this. I am glad to hear that you are feeling a bit better from the drugs though. I hope you can come off them sooner than what you were told. My heart goes out to you. Take care and you will be your happy self soon again. Will some sequins help?
Glad to see you back here ... and looks as though you are healing, thank goodness!
I wish I would have known sooner that something was so dreadfully wrong. Please take good care of yourself -- all those beads and piles of fabric need you!
Kathy V in NM
My goodness Maggie,
I'm so sorry you have had to go through all of the pain and worry. You are in my thoughts and prayers for sure. Glad to hear that the pain is gone.
Beadily yours
Susan Feldkamp
night beader
That'll teach you to send Tammy snow wands. Just kidding. You don't like bad at all, just like a person on their way to recovery.
Great to see you chipper,
Maggie, it's so good to see you back with us! How do you do it lady.....you look beautiful.... black eyes and all!
I'll keep you on my prayer list for a speedy recovery sweetie!
I am so sorry for all that you have been through. I don't think you will be Miss Chubby Cheeks for a year. It is the high dose that causes that. As you wean off, it should get better. I have been on and off that drug for years. Wishing you better days ahead so you can get back to your art.
Oh, My Dear Friend Maggie, I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry you had to go through such an awful painful time. You have been dearly missed. Hopefully you will recovery quickly and that awful med will not be needed. Big Huge Hug Judy
Hi Maggie---
So glad to hear all is well with you.
BTW, I think you look Absolutely BEAUTIFUL in this photo.
You hang in there and get back to making your "goodies"...
Love and Hugs,
Goodmorning to all you Dear Hearts wishing me well.
It IS a good morning as the sun is shining, and I feel energetic and ready to accomplish SOMETHING! I don't know what just yet, but point me in any direction in my studio and I will land on something.
First though I must get some new things posted on my blog...
I hope everyone has a wonderful productive day.... I plan on it ;-}
Big hugs all around
My heart is giving you a huge huge hug my dear! You have been through a lot, more than anyone should have to. Strength & beauty... you have been so amazing dealing with this. XOXO, Monica
Oh dear! Maggie, I wondered why you hadn't blogged in a while. I am so sorry to hear about your ordeal. Here's hoping you have a speedy recovery and that the Prednisone won't affect you too much.
Big cyber hugs.
Maggie, I'm sorry to hear about your recent health challenges. Glad you're okay. Sending you lots of hugs and loves. Take care, Dear Friend.
Oh Maggie, I'm so sorry to hear that you were ill. I hope you get well soon, and start beading again !
Don't worry about your looks ; I think you look lovely.
Oh dear! Magpie, I am so sorry you have been sooooo under the weather. Prayers, hugs, joy and the "bestest" thoughts are coming your way --------- do you feel them????? Here they come........
Take care of yourself. Make ART -- it's the best medicine.
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