It has been too long between posts and I am sorry.
I have been so busy preparing for upcoming events.
The Spring Quilt Retreat is fast approaching as well as the studio tour the 1st of May.
I have been trying to get some things done for the sale.....BUT!............................
I have taken time to just enjoy some quiet time to myself and this is it.
I have really enjoyed learning traditional rug hooking... Shading is the hardest and most challenging but I thought I may as well try to master that right from the start. This is the rug I am working on. I cannot tell you how many times I have ripped out and started again , but I need to get the right feel of it..I am happy with the results so far It is a fairly large rug, 3'x4'.. The centre will be off white as you can see the outline around the flowers.I treated myself to a beautiful hooking frame with gripper strips all around the edge to hold the linen taut. I love the stand as it takes the weight off my lap as I hook.. Anyway.. so much for the pension cheque this month
I had to put it aside for awhile as I got an infection in my thumb!!! Spent 8 hours in emerge for that.. Read a whole book...Oh Dear! Don't know how I got the infection but it is OK now.
So that is it for now.
I'm off to the city to run a few errands so will catch you later.
Thanks so much for stopping by and please say hi if you can. It means so much